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IMPACT underwent TMVS and AMVS  standard assessment process


From 16-18 July, IMPACT welcomed the assessment committee  from Thailand MICE Venue Standards (TMVS) and ASEAN MICE Venue Standards (AMVS), organized by the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau or TCEB by the Management System Certification Institute (thailand) (MASCI). The assessment included a site tour and document review in various aspects such as physical facilities, technology, services and management, and sustainable practices. Employees from relevant departments participated in providing information and documents to the evaluation committee. 

 For this TMVS/AMVS assessment, IMPACT had the following meeting rooms and event venues to be assessed. 

  • Thailand MICE Venue Standard (Meeting Room Category): Sapphire 201, Venus 2, Venus 3, and Venus 4.
  • Thailand MICE Venue Standard (Special Event Venues Category): IMPACT Arena.
  • ASEAN MICE Venue Standard (Exhibition Venues Category): Challenger 1-3.

IMPACT Insight collected photos of the assessment day for everyone to see.

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